Mr. Madden is a graduate of Virginia Tech, holding a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. His thesis work was on the measurement of the three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer about a prolate spheroid using an internally mounted laser Doppler velocimetry device. Mr. Madden began his career in 1993 at Unisys Corporation working on the support services contract for the flight simulator facility at NASA Langley. While at Unisys, he helped architect the Langley Standard Real-time Simulation in C++, an object-oriented product line for simulations that provides a unified code base for all of Langley’s high-fidelity simulators. In 1999, Mr. Madden accepted a civil service position in the flight simulator facility and was promoted to Chief Scientist of the facility in 2008. In this role, Mr. Madden served as the co-lead for the Simulator Facilities Task Force which authored the flight simulation content of the 2011 National Aeronautics RDT&E Infrastructure Plan. Mr. Madden has also contributed to the AIAA standard for the Dynamic Aerospace Vehicle Exchange Markup Language, the NESC benchmark check-cases for 6DOF simulations, and the pending SISO standard for the Space Reference Federated Object Module. Most recently, Mr. Madden developed the capability for the Research Services Directorate (RSD) to perform live, virtual, and constructive simulation using RSD’s research aircraft, flight simulators, and unmanned aerial system labs. Mr. Madden has also served as the head of Langley’s Software Engineering Process Group and led the authorship of LPR 7150.2B Langley Software Engineering Requirements. Mr. Madden also serves on the Agency’s Software Architecture Review Board, providing independent review of NASA’s major software systems including the Space Launch System flight software, the Orion flight software, and the Core Flight Executive/Core Flight System.